3GW/CC Blog – Global Temperature Data on Images June, 2012 This blog has some supplemental information on global temperatures. Temperatures get measured at various places around the world, some land based, some ocean water temperatures. These measurements, certainly historical data, tend to be more numerous in developed countries. Some of the land-based measurement points are in or near big cities. Cities tend to create heat islands, resulting in false-high temperatures; scientists make adjustments to back this local warming out. Nonetheless, I think an ocean temperature is relatively simple and realistic. There are several buoys deployed in the oceans to measure water temperature, at various depths. The oceans cover more than 70% of the world’s surface. A Skeptical Science site includes a figure with red dots on a map of the world, showing land temperature stations with at least one month of data in the Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN-M). The figure is from R...
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